Rabu, 16 Februari 2011

[S837.Ebook] Fee Download Learning iOS UI Development, by Yari D'areglia

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Learning iOS UI Development, by Yari D'areglia

Learning iOS UI Development, by Yari D'areglia

Learning iOS UI Development, by Yari D'areglia

Fee Download Learning iOS UI Development, by Yari D'areglia

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Learning iOS UI Development, by Yari D'areglia

Key Features

  • Build compelling user interfaces that users will enjoy using the iOS UIKit framework
  • Make your iOS apps easily recognizable and familiar with the UIKit framework
  • Use this comprehensive, step-by-step guide to create a complete custom layout
Book Description

Through this comprehensive one-stop guide, you'll get to grips with the entire UIKit framework and in a flash, you'll be creating modern user interfaces for your iOS devices using Swift.

Starting with an overview of the iOS drawing system and the available tools, you will then learn how to use these technologies to create adaptable layouts and custom elements for your applications. Next, you'll be introduced to other topics such as animation and code-drawing with Core Graphics, which will give you all the knowledge you need to create astonishing user interfaces.

By the end of this book, you will have a solid foundation in iOS user interface development and will have gained valuable insights on the process of building firm and complex UIs.

What you will learn
  • Understand the basic requirements to work with iOS user interfaces
  • Get to know about the UI tools, frameworks, and built-in components
  • Plot dynamic layout structures using Auto Layout
  • Shape and implement adaptive user interfaces for different screen sizes
  • Draw and animate your user interfaces using the CALayer and UIKit animations
  • Intercept and handle user touches to create user interface interactivity
  • Create and depict totally custom controls
  • Design with iOS through Core Graphics
About the Author

Yari D'areglia is a developer with 15 years of experience in software architecture and development. During the last 4 years, he built successful iOS and OS X applications for developers as well as the mainstream public.

Yari, together with Nicola Armellini, founded Jumpzero, a company based in Italy that released countless mobile, desktop, and web applications.

Currently, he is employed as a senior iOS engineer at Neato Robotics, a company based in Silicon Valley, where he works on the communication between robots and iOS devices.

Yari writes at www.ThinkAndBuild.it, a blog focused on iOS development with a strong focus on user interface development.

You can reach him on Twitter at @bitwaker.

Table of Contents
  • UI Fundamentals
  • UI Components Overview – UIKit
  • Interface Builder, XIB, and Storyboard
  • Auto Layout
  • Adaptive User Interfaces
  • Layers and Core Animation
  • UI Interactions – Touches and Gestures
  • How to Build Custom Controls
  • Introduction to Core Graphics
    • Sales Rank: #136221 in eBooks
    • Published on: 2015-12-30
    • Released on: 2015-12-30
    • Format: Kindle eBook

    About the Author

    Yari D'areglia

    Yari D'areglia is a developer with 15 years of experience in software architecture and development. During the last 4 years, he built successful iOS and OS X applications for developers as well as the mainstream public. Yari, together with Nicola Armellini, founded Jumpzero, a company based in Italy that released countless mobile, desktop, and web applications. Currently, he is employed as a senior iOS engineer at Neato Robotics, a company based in Silicon Valley, where he works on the communication between robots and iOS devices. Yari writes at www.ThinkAndBuild.it, a blog focused on iOS development with a strong focus on user interface development. You can reach him on Twitter at @bitwaker.

    Most helpful customer reviews

    2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
    A clear explanation of how IOS UIs work.
    By pauland
    Let's say at the outset that I really like this book. I read a lot of computer books and it's often the case that the books cover the subject but getting at what you want requires working through examples (do this, do that .. ) in a series of exercises. This isn't a book like that - thank goodness.

    The book guides you through the interface concepts of IOS and explains them in a very clear and concise way. If you read through the book you should have a really good understanding about how UIs are built in IOS. The explanations are very clear and it's nice to see examples that show you how to reskin a slider or build your own UI component of your own.

    The book covers 'conventional' UI building but doesn't cover the frameworks used for building many games spritekit(2D) and scenekit (3D).

    The book is described as being suitable for beginner and experienced developers and I would agree with that. If you are very new to iPhone development, don't make this the first book that you read. Make something with the tutorial style books, then when you want to properly understand how things work without doing a ton of follow-me tutorials, buy this book.

    My favourite computer book BY FAR in recent times. I really hope the author writes more.

    2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
    The best explanation of the iOS UI framework I have ever read
    By Andras Pasztirak
    This is the first iOS programming book I really enjoyed reading. Being an Android and Web developer the iOS concepts never really clicked in my head when I was reading articles or when I was watching the Stanford lectures. I always stumbled my way through whenever an iOS job came up.

    After having read this book things really fell in place in my mind, I now have a decent idea what I'm doing on iOS. It's a very nicely struck balance of basic explanations, thorough instructions and very good code samples to go with it all. The book is well structured and easy to follow along but it's just as easy to pick out specific areas you wish to study and jump right into the middle of it. I'd very much recommend it to anyone who is just starting out on iOS and wants to understand not only how the UI framework works but also learn about the more basic concepts of iOS development. 5/5

    1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
    I like this book because explain the layout and autolayout con ...
    By abigail
    I like this book because explain the code for design layout and autolayout with code for practice and the conplete code for the samples of the book. I like that the books has examples and code. It's simple and explain some tips for the interface builder. I think that is a good book for help to know about the layout in ios

    See all 4 customer reviews...

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    Learning iOS UI Development, by Yari D'areglia PDF

    Learning iOS UI Development, by Yari D'areglia PDF
    Learning iOS UI Development, by Yari D'areglia PDF

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